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Friday, December 1, 2023

Delphi until retirement or what?!

Big Question!

I began working with Delphi in let's say 1999 and I am still a senior Delphi developer. It seems that the number of companies and job opportunities based on Delphi is decreasing. I am wondering how many years I have left before I need to switch to a different technology. Is it feasible for me to continue working with Delphi until retirement, or do I need to make a transition now? What are your predictions in this regard?

The long-term future of Delphi is uncertain, as it faces competition from newer programming languages and frameworks. However, Delphi remains a powerful and versatile language that is still used by a significant number of developers.

Here are some factors that could impact the future of Delphi:

  • The continued growth of mobile and web development: Delphi is not as well-suited for mobile and web development as some newer languages, such as Swift, Kotlin, and JavaScript. However, there are tools available that allow Delphi developers to create mobile and web applications.

  • The adoption of cloud computing: Delphi can be used to develop cloud applications, but it faces competition from languages that are specifically designed for cloud development, such as Python and Node.js.

  • The rise of low-code and no-code development platforms: These platforms are making it easier for non-developers to create applications, which could reduce the demand for professional developers, including Delphi developers.

Despite these challenges, Delphi has several strengths that could help it to remain a viable language for the foreseeable future:

  • A large and passionate community of developers: There are a large number of Delphi developers who are passionate about the language and who are actively contributing to its development.

  • A mature and stable ecosystem of tools and libraries: Delphi has a mature and stable ecosystem of tools and libraries that make it easy to develop high-quality applications.

  • A continued focus on performance and productivity: Embarcadero, the company that owns Delphi, is continuing to invest in the language and is focused on improving its performance and productivity.

Based on these factors, it is possible that Delphi will continue to be a viable language for at least the next 10 to 20 years. However, Delphi developers will need to be willing to adapt to new technologies and trends in order to remain competitive.

Here are some specific recommendations for Delphi developers:

  • Learn about new technologies: Keep up with the latest trends in mobile, web, and cloud development. Learn about new languages and frameworks that are being used for these types of development.

  • Get involved with the Delphi community: Participate in online forums and conferences to connect with other Delphi developers. Share your knowledge and experience with others.

  • Consider specializing in a niche: Develop expertise in a particular area of Delphi development, such as enterprise application development or embedded systems development.

  • Be willing to learn new skills: Be open to learning new skills, such as cloud development or low-code development, that could make you more marketable to potential employers.

By following these recommendations, Delphi developers can increase their chances of success in the years to come.